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Father's day gift ideas featured image

Father’s day is just around the corner and let me guess…you don’t have a gift.

If your dad is anything like mine he told you that he doesn’t need anything. He just wants for you to come by and spend time with him.

Am I right?

And you’re debating whether or not you should get something despite what your dad says.

Am I right again?

Well, by all means stop by and spend time with him. But don’t show up empty handed!

He may not care, but you care. That’s why you’re conflicted!

Here’s a list of 8 gifts you can get for you dad this year without breaking the bank.

In my house I have a whole drawer dedicated to charging cables (like my father before me).

Cables that have stopped working over time, cables that have become obsolete when phones were updated, and off-brand cables I bought so that I could have more than one charger.

This is why I’m excited about wireless charging. With this device your dad can charge his phone without worrying about cords going bad or off-brand cords damaging his phone.

Also, for those dads that like to listen to their phones at work, a big disappointment with the newer iPhones is that they can’t charge and use headphones at the same time.

So everday, after lunch there are hordes of people who have to pause their tunes in order to charge their phones.

That’s unforgivable.

One simple fix is to buy your dad a wireless phone charger.

2) Rituals Shower Gel Gift Set

I realize that a basket full of fragrant bath producs is probably not the most common gift idea for Father’s Day. But Rituals is amazing! The fragances are unique and they last hours!

The specific product that this link will send you to is the Samuari shower gel gift basket. (With a name like that, you know it’s for men!)

Not only have I tried it and love it, but my father and brother are also fans. Do your dad a favor and let him try this one out!

3) Invicta Watch

For a man, a watch isn’t just a timepiece. It can represent status.

It can represent a specific achievement or milemarker.

And oftentimes they’re passed down from father to son, which gives them tremendous sentimental value. (I’m sure you’ve seen movies or read books where their father’s watch is uber imporant to the main character).

What’s the fascination men have with watches and why do they imbue them with such value?

Honesly, I couldn’t tell you. But I do know that they are amazing little devices.

A watch is a guaranteed success for Father’s Day.

Invicta is a brand that provides luxury at below premium prices. Get your dad a beautiful watch without breaking the bank. Check it out below.

4) Messenger Bag

Nowadays, men have a lot of things to carry; a phone, wallet, keys, headphones and possibly even more.

All of that can fit in his pockets but it’s not a good look. One super stylish solution is the messenger bag.

My wife got me one of these a few years ago and I carry it everywhere! Which then caused my father and brother to want one as well. I’ve even had coworkers (males) comment on how nice these bags are.

Yep. Consider getting your dad (or any of the men in your life) a messenger bag for funcationality and style.

5) Happy Socks

These socks have been growing in popularity over the years and I, for one, love them.

If your dad needs to energize his outfit a little bit then these definitely will do the trick. These socks are full of creativity, vibrant colors and unique style.

Happy Socks are definitely for the bold.

6) Mug Warmer

My dad loves to take coffee to work every morning. I’m guessing your’s does as well. (If not coffee, then tea or some other warm beverage.)

But as we know well, once we arrive at work things happen; calls come in, meetings start…and we don’t always get to finish our drinks before they go cold.

And there are few things more jarring than a good drink gone cold.

A wonderful solution to this problem is a mug warmer. It will keep your drink warm literally all day if you need it do.

Your dad will thank you for this one.

7) Money Clip

Have you ever gone out to lunch with someone and had them bust out a money clip filled with bills?

It’s definitely an impressive site. And not one that won’t soon forget.

Now, have you ever gone out with someone that pulled out a busted wallet and had to fish and fumble around for their money?

Not so impressive, right?

Which version of that story would you prefer to see your dad in? The money clip verion of course!

Money clips are not only functional and eye catching, but they generate instant status.

Check it out here.

8) Skillshare Subscription

If your dad loves to learn, then you should consider signing him up for a subscription to Skillshare.

Skillshare is an online learning platform where you can learn practically anything from the comfort of your own home!

And the cherry on top of this awesome Sunday is that you get two months of premium membership for FREE!

Check it out here!


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Hi! I'm Oliver Holmes, a CPA, financial expert, and co-founder of The Wealthy Alchemist. My goal is to help individuals and families, make money, save money, and improve their overall financial position. I believe that improving your finances is 5% strategy and 95% discipline and self improvement. In short, we believe that in order to grow your wealth you must first grow yourself.
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